Canadian Bacterial Surveillance Network (CBSN) Database
Database Details
Access to Database
- Access to this Database is password protected and
currently limited to CBSN participants, collaborators and sponsors.
- Summary data available
for other visitors.
- Limited data access may be granted to other clinicians,
laboratorians or researchers on a need to know basis.
- Complete a 'Database
access request form' to request password access or additional
Source of Data
- A sample of volunteer clinical laboratories serving
Canadian hospitals and communities send isolates to Mount Sinai
Hospital where microbroth dilution testing is performed according
to NCCLS guidelines
Type of Data
- Antimicrobial sensitivity data on specific bacterial
cutpoints are used to convert minimum inhibitory concentration
(MIC) values into sensitive (S), intermediate (I) and resistant
(R) categories for each antibiotic tested.
- Antibiotics for which sensitivity results are available
are those recommended for sensitivity testing by NCCLS and for
which NCCLS cutpoints are available, or those considered epidemiologically
significant. They do not necessarily represent recommended clinical
treatment options for infections caused by these pathogens.
- Due to increased interest in Fluoroquinolone resistance,
ciprofloxacin susceptibility testing results have been provided.
Non-susceptible isolates with MIC >4 will be reported
as resistant in the query results tables and graphs.
- Streptococcus pneumoniae data currently on-line.
Haemophilus influenzae and gram negatives coming soon.
Security of Data
- Access password protected.
- Level of access determined by participant's role in
the surveillance network and linked to individual passwords.
- Query structure does not allow participating
sites to be identified individually.
1999 Microbiology Department, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada.
All rights reserved. Last Modified