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Pneumocystis carinii Technical Cases

Trophozoite, precyst and cyst stages of PC can be found suspended in a frothy, honeycombed foamy exudate. Mature cysts contain eight intracystic bodies known as sporozoites. Trophozoites are small and pleomorphic ranging from 1 to 5 µm in size. In Giemsa stain trophozoites contain red dot like nucleus surrounded by pale blue cytoplasm. Precysts are oval measuring 4 to 6 µm without intracystic bodies, but may have one or more nuclei. Mature cysts are thick & thin walled measuring 5 to 8 µm containing intracystic bodies. Thin walled cysts rupture and release sporozoites that in turn multiply by binary fission or initiate sexual cycle. Giemsa stains intra cystic bodies and trophozoites, but does not stain cyst walls.


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