TIBDN Education Days: Thursday November 20th and
Thursday November 27th
Dear TIBDN colleagues,
We are pleased to invite you to our 2008 TIBDN Education
Days, a series of interesting and informative talks. This year’s
education days are taking place on Thursday November 20th at
Central Public Health Labs (81 Resources Rd.) and on Thursday November 27th at Mount Sinai
Hospital (600 University
Ave.). The day is open to all Microbiology, Infection Control,
Public Health, and Infectious Disease staff- everyone is welcome!
The day will begin at 8:00 am with registration and
breakfast, followed by the scheduled talks beginning at 8:30 am,
and finish with lunch being offered from 12:30-2:00pm. In addition
to the talks there will be many current posters on display, and
there will be a break in the middle of the morning for posters
and discussion.
You will find attached a detailed schedule of the days’
events, a sign up sheet to better facilitate scheduling within
your office or lab, and a call for posters to display at the event.
Please post these where those who may be interested have access
to it, and tell your colleagues all about it.
Please note that there is no registration fee. We would appreciate
if you could provide us the number of those attending as soon
as possible. Please note that
the registration deadline for the November 20th
event is November 1st, 2008.
If you are unable to attend in person, the presentations may
be viewed live at:
If you miss the event, presentations will be available
beginning Monday, December 1, 2008 at:
If you have any questions
please call us at (416) 586 4800 x3122. For more information please
visit our website at: http://microbiology.mtsinai.on.ca/research/tibdn
We look forward to seeing you!
The TIBDN Team