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Mount Sinai Hospital is a University of Toronto patient care, teaching, and research centre.
Mount Sinai Hospital is a University of Toronto patient care, teaching, and research centre.

Staff Directory
Jim Brunton
James Brunton, MD, FRCPC
Co-Director, Clinical Affairs - Infectious Diseases: Toronto General Hospital.
Past Departmental Division Director, University of Toronto
Director, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital

University Health Network, Toronto General Hospital
200 Elizabeth Street, 13N - 216
Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2C4
Phone: 416-340-3183
Fax: 416-340-3357


Dr. Brunton holds a Fellowship in Internal Medicine. He is a Professor of Medicine and Laboratory Medicine/Pathobiology at the University of Toronto where he is Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Medicine. He is also Director of the Trihospital Infectious Disease Division which includes the University Health Network and Mount Sinai Hospital. His research program has examined the molecular basis of bacterial resistance to antibiotics and the molecular biology of Verotoxins. Verotoxins are responsible for acute kidney failure and severe bloody diarrhea associated with the consumption of under cooked hamburger.

Recent Publications

  1. Cameron MJ, Ran L, Xu L, Danesh A, Bermejo-Martin JF, Cameron CM, Muller MP, Gold WL, Richardson SE, Poutanen SM, Willey BM, Devries ME, Fang Y, Seneviratne C, Bosinger SE, Persad D, Wilkinson P, Greller LD, Somogyi R, Humar A, Keshavjee S, Louie M, Loeb MB, Brunton J, McGeer AJ, Kelvin DJ
    Interferon-mediated immunopathological events are associated with atypical innate and adaptive immune responses in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) patients
    J Virol Methods Epub ahead of print, 5/30/2007.

  2. Stone E, Hirama T, Chen W, Soltyk AL, Brunton J, MacKenzie CR, Zhang J
    A novel pentamer versus pentamer approach to generating neutralizers of verotoxin 1
    Mol Immun 44(9):2487-91, 3/1/2007.

  3. Shoveller AK, Brunton JA, Brand O, Pencharz PB, Ball RO.
    N-acetylcysteine is a highly available precursor for cysteine in the neonatal piglet receiving parenteral nutrition.
    JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 30(2):133-42, 5/1/2006.

  4. Lobbedez T, Gardam M, Dedier H, Burdzy D, Chu M, Izatt S, Bargman JM, Jassal SV, Vas S, Brunton J, Oreopoulos DG.
    Routine use of mupirocin at the peritoneal catheter exit site and mupirocin resistance: still low after 7 years.
    Nephrol Dial Transplant Epub ahead of print, 10/5/2004.

  5. Fan E, Needham DM, Brunton J, Kern RZ, Stewart TE.
    West Nile virus infection in the intensive care unit: a case series and literature review.
    Can Respir J. 11(5):354-358, 7/1/2004.

  6. Burton JM, Kern RZ, Halliday W, Mikulis D, Brunton J, Fearon M, Pepperell C, Jaigobin C
    Neurological manifestations of West Nile virus infection
    Can J Neurol Sci. 31(2):185-93, 5/1/2004.

  7. Pepperell C, Rau N, Krajden S, Kern R, Humar A, Mederski B, Simor A, Low DE, McGeer A, Mazzulli T, Burton J, Jaigobin C, Fearon M, Artsob H, Drebot MA, Halliday W, Brunton J.
    West Nile virus infection in 2002: morbidity and mortality among patients admitted to hospital in southcentral Ontario.
    CMAJ. 168(11):1399-1405, 5/27/2003.

  8. Gardam MA. Burrows LL. Kus JV. Brunton J. Low DE. Conly JM. Humar A.
    Is surveillance for multidrug-resistant enterobacteriaceae an effective infection control strategy in the absence of an outbreak?
    J Infect Dis. 186(12):1754-1760, 12/15/2002.

  9. Wobeser W, Naus M, Brunton J, Heywood N, Uppaluri A
    TB surveillance in Canada
    Can J Public Health. 93(4):317, 8/1/2002.

  10. Uppaluri A, Naus M, Heywood N, Brunton J, Kerbel D, Wobeser W
    Effectiveness of the Immigration Medical Surveillance Program for tuberculosis in Ontario
    Can J Public Health. 93(2):88-91, 4/1/2002.

For More Articles by Dr. Brunton Click Here
This website has been made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Pfizer Canada Inc.
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