Allison McGeer, M.D., FRCPC
Microbiologist, Infectious Disease Consultant
Department of Microbiology, Room 210
Mount Sinai Hospital
600 University Ave, Toronto Ontario, M5G 1X5
Phone: (416) 586-3118
Fax: (416) 586-3140
Email: amcgeer@mtsinai.on.ca
Dr. McGeer completed an undergraduate and master's degree in biochemistry,
then her medical degree at the University of Toronto. She specialized in internal medicine
and infectious diseases followed by a fellowship in hospital epidemiology
at Yale New Haven Hospital.
She returned to Mount Sinai Hospital in 1989 as microbiologist and director
of infection control. Her major research interests are in the prevention of infection
in hospitals and nursing homes, and the use of surveillance to advance the prevention,
diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases. She is the principal investigator of the
Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network and the Ontario Group A Streptococcal Study,
two collaborative surveillance networks studying the epidemiology of severe
community-acquired infections.
Dr. McGeer is a Professor in the Departments of Laboratory Medicine and
Pathobiology and Public Health Sciences at the University of Toronto. In addition to her
position as director of infection control at Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. McGeer is an
infection control consultant to The Scarborough Hospital and The Baycrest Centre for
Geriatric Care. She currently serves on Canada's National Advisory Committee on
Immunization and on the infection control subcommittee of the Ontario Provincial
Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee, and is a member of several local, provincial
and national pandemic influenza committees. She is an expert reviewer for many research
funding agencies including the Canadian Institute of Health Research and
US National Institutes of Health, and has served on the editorial boards of several
journals, including the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and Infection Control and
Hospital Epidemiology.
Recent Publications
- Aghdassi E, McArthur M, Liu B, McGeer A, Simor A, Allard JP
Dietary Intake of Elderly Living in Toronto Long-Term Care Facilities: Comparison to the Dietary Reference Intake. Rejuvenation Res Epub ahead of print, 6/9/2007.
- Cameron MJ, Ran L, Xu L, Danesh A, Bermejo-Martin JF, Cameron CM, Muller MP, Gold WL, Richardson SE, Poutanen SM, Willey BM, Devries ME, Fang Y, Seneviratne C, Bosinger SE, Persad D, Wilkinson P, Greller LD, Somogyi R, Humar A, Keshavjee S, Louie M, Loeb MB, Brunton J, McGeer AJ, Kelvin DJ
Interferon-mediated immunopathological events are associated with atypical innate and adaptive immune responses in severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) patients J Virol Methods Epub ahead of print, 5/30/2007.
- Kumar D, Humar A, Plevneshi A, Green K, Prasad GV, Siegal D; Toronto Invasive Bacterial Diseases Network, McGeer A
Invasive pneumococcal disease in solid organ transplant recipients--10-year prospective population surveillance Amer J of Trans. 7(5):1209-14, 5/1/2007.
- Tracz DM, Boyd DA, Hizon R, Bryce E, McGeer A, Ofner-Agostini M, Simor AE, Paton S, Mulvey MR; Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program
ampC gene expression in promoter mutants of cefoxitin-resistant Escherichia coli clinical isolates FEMS Microbiology Letters 270(2):265-71, 5/1/2007.
- Muller MP, Dresser L, Raboud J, McGeer A, Rea E, Richardson SE, Mazzulli T, Loeb M, Louie M; Canadian SARS Research Network
Adverse events associated with high-dose ribavirin: evidence from the Toronto outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome Pharmacotherapy 27(4):494-503, 4/1/2007.
- Muller MP, McGeer A
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus Sem Resp Inf. 28(2):201-12, 4/1/2007.
- Cowling BJ, Muller MP, Wong IO, Ho LM, Louie M, McGeer A, Leung GM
Alternative methods of estimating an incubation distribution: examples from severe acute respiratory syndrome Epidemiology 18(2):253-9, 3/1/2007.
- McGeer A
Review: trials of injectable pneumococcal vaccines do not show effectiveness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. ACP J Club 146(2):36, 3/1/2007.
- Adam H, McGeer A, Simor A
Fatal case of post-influenza, community-associated MRSA pneumonia in an Ontario teenager with subsequent familial transmission Can Commun Dis Rep. 33(4):45-8, 2/15/2007.
- Kwong JC, Stukel TA, McGeer AJ, Manuel DG.
Appropriate measures of influenza immunization program effectiveness. Vaccine. 25(6):967-9., 1/22/2007.
For More Articles By Dr. McGeer Click Here
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